Carer Friendly is part of the charity TuVida

Emma Baker

Really thinking about who in my team is a carer, sharing support and information with them. Offering flexible working, understanding, empathy, support, information, guidance etc on an individualised basis.

I will promote policies and documents that support carer friendly conversations at work, in homes and communities and will encourage my teams to do the same for carers.


As a school, we pledge to support our Young Carers in our school. We pledge to ensure that they feel supported by staff and students and to ensure that they know where they can go to seek advice.
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The adult Specialist Eating Disorders Service (SEDS) in ABUHB recognises the important role that unpaid carers play. We are committed to raising awareness of carers, the challenges they face and ensuring they are aware of their rights and the support ...
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I commit to continue working with carers to ensure their voices are heard, they have a life alongside caring and work with other professionals to develop initive services to support the ever changing needs of carers.
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We recognise and appreciate that carers of all ages make a vital contribution within society. We continue to respect and value carers views, their experiences and expertise and to involve carers in the planning and delivery of our services. We ...
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I am a unpaid carer all my life I have never asked for anything intill now I would like to meet people like myself I am a caring friendly smart funny outgoing lonley transgender women soon
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We recognise that caring is an important issue that affects some of the young people at Cathays High School. We commit to ensuring that the carers within our school are appropriately identified and will receive support and mentoring in school. ...
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We, as a Practice, recognise the support and issues that our patients need in their caring role. We commit to ensuring that all staff highlight our Carers and are able to signpost them to the appropriate local services provided. We ...
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Torfaen County Borough Council recognises the importance of supporting staff who are balancing work with caring responsibilities and helping them deal with the challenges this can bring. We commit to raising awareness of the issues faced by staff who are ...
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We recognise that caring is an important issue that affects our staff, volunteers and clients and that carers play a vital role within our communities. We commit to ensuring that all staff and volunteers are aware of carers, the issues ...
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We commit to supporting the Carers to the best of our abilities. Their role is vital and we commit to ensuring that all staff and volunteers are aware of carers, the issues they face and the local support that is ...
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