Carer Friendly is part of the charity TuVida

henllys community council

Henllys Community Council commits to promoting & supporting the work of the Carers Trust.


As a committed, enthusiastic and caring Team, the Gwent Carers Hub staff commit to thinking outside the box to support carers in the way that they want it. We commit to not accepting the status quo and appropriately challenging issues ...
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As part of my role as a Counsellor at CTSEW, I recognise and value the role unpaid carers play every single day within our society. I understand how exhausting and isolating the caring role can be, especially now, in these ...
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All the staff at Coleg Gwent aim to both support and inspire all our young adult carers to ensure they will be empowered by high quality teaching to learn, achieve, and progress as rounded, confident individuals.
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I appreciate and value the role of unpaid carers being one myself and will raise awareness of this issue and also the rights, together with support available to help carers.
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The All Wales Forum of Parents and Carers recognises the incredible value of unpaid carers in our society and represents the collective voice of families in Wales who care for people living with learning disability. We commit to always recognise ...
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As an unpaid carer myself, I understand the complexities everyday life can bring, the important role unpaid carers have for their loved ones and in society. I continue to work and raise awareness of unpaid carers of all ages, having ...
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The Dell Primary School commits to continuing to raise awareness of young carers across all staff teams and pupils, and support young carers and their families in our school community.
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YMCA Cardiff in partnership with Cardiff Council Support4Families and Vale Council Families First, commit to promoting and raising awareness of young carers and young adult carers in Cardiff & The Vale. We commit to identifying, engaging, supporting & empowering ...
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I recognise and value the role of unpaid carers within my community. I commit to raising awareness of carers, their rights and the support available to them. I commit to supporting my community to be Carer Friendly and will actively ...
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We recognise that caring is an important issue that affects our staff, volunteers and clients. Our staff know about the issues carers may face and the local support available to them. We will actively help people understand who carers are ...
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