Carer Friendly is part of the charity TuVida

Grant Usmar

I commit to keeping carers needs as a core part of what Hospice of the Valleys does in our every day work.

We will involve carers in when planning new services. We will work with carers as both a partner and a client. We will support them in their caring role but also help them to meet their needs as indivuduals.


Working with veterans, partners and family members who have unpaid caring responsibilities, I commit to continue supporting them by raising awareness of their rights and support available to them. Offering support through our employment service can bring health and wellbeing ...
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Really thinking about who in my team is a carer, sharing support and information with them. Offering flexible working, understanding, empathy, support, information, guidance etc on an individualised basis. I will promote policies and documents that support carer friendly conversations ...
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I commit to raising awareness of carers, their rights and the support available to them. I commit to ensuring that people in the Wales bowel cancer community are recognised, valued and supported.
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I commit to recognising the value and role of unpaid carers within my community. I commit to raising awareness of carers rights, entitlements and support that is available to them. I commit to my community being Carer Friendly, spreading the ...
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We are the Clinical Photography & Medical Illustration Team at ABUHB. Working within the NHS we recognise the value and importance of unpaid carers within our community and the workplace. We pledge to raise awareness of ALL carers and the ...
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In Serennu, Nevill Hall and Caerphilly Children Centre, we recognise the importance of supporting staff members, service users and the families attending our centres that have caring responsibilities. We are committed to raising awareness of unpaid carers and we will ...
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Supporting Carers is a fundamental part of our service and as such we will always look to support carers both internally within our organisation and those who come to use our service. Carers are a standing agenda item at staff ...
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St Joseph’s RC High School, Newport, commits to the importance of raising awareness and vital support of our young carers and their families through a considered and researched ten-point plan of action. The intention is to deliver better outcomes, ...
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We commit to support the young carers at our school and support the families and staff that are in a carers role.
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I commit to raising awareness of carers of all ages, I recognise the value that carers bring to the community and the selfless acts they provide on a day to day basis. My role within CTSEW has a focus on ...
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