Carer Friendly is part of the charity TuVida

Lisa Howells

As an unpaid carer myself, I understand the complexities everyday life can bring, the important role unpaid carers have for their loved ones and in society. I continue to work and raise awareness of unpaid carers of all ages, having worked in the third sector for the last 16 years supporting the identification of hidden unpaid carers, sharing information and resources to help identify hidden carers who may need support.


CM Community Care commits to ensuring that all Care Staff are treated with Compassion, Respect and Equality. CM pledge to be an Inclusive employer meeting the needs of a diverse group of employees whilst offering them the appropriate training to ...
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We commit to identifying those of our patients who are carers, and provide them with all the support they need to care for the family members or friends they look after.
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I commit to helping carers believe in themselves and to support them in any way I can. Referring them on to relevant services to help them get the best support
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At Sporting Memories we recognise that caring is an important issue that affects our staff, volunteers and members and that carers play a vital role within our communities. We commit to ensuring that all staff and volunteers are aware of ...
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We recognise that caring is an important issue that affects our staff and children and that carers play a vital role within our communities. We commit to ensuring that all staff and volunteers are aware of carers, the issues they ...
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We recognise and appreciate that carers of all ages make a vital contribution within society. We continue to respect and value carers views, their experiences and expertise and to involve carers in the planning and delivery of our services. We ...
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As a GP Practice we recognise the importance of our carers, the roles they undertake and the issues they may face. We commit to continually improve that way our carers are identified, informed, listened to and supported within our Practice. ...
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As a committed, enthusiastic and caring Team, the Gwent Carers Hub staff commit to thinking outside the box to support carers in the way that they want it. We commit to not accepting the status quo and appropriately challenging issues ...
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We recognise that caring is an important issue that affects our staff, volunteers and clients and that carers play a vital role within our communities. We commit to ensuring that all staff and volunteers are aware of carers, the issues ...
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The Practice can highlight Carers and offer them support and signpost them to appropriate support agencies. We can also offer Carers appointments that will be convenient to themselves as a Carer, we appreciate that they are very busy and it ...
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