Carer Friendly Commitment Launches!
Carers Trust South East Wales (CTSEW) has launched a new campaign to highlight the vital role unpaid carers play in communities across Wales.
Carer Friendly aims to recognise and celebrate the work of carers. A carer is anyone who cares, unpaid, for a friend or family member who due to illness, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction cannot cope without their support.
There are around 9.1 million unpaid carers in the UK and anyone can become a carer, at any time, at any age. Many people don’t recognise themselves as a carer and Carer Friendly aims to improve, share and recognise support for carers throughout our communities.
People working with carers are being encouraged to show their support and make a commitment to carers through the Carer Friendly website at
You can find more information here.
“Unpaid carers need support now more than ever and we want to work with organisations, professionals and members of the public to ensure carers are identified and given the right help. So please show you care by making a carer friendly commitment.”
Kieran Harris CEO, Carers Trust South East Wales