Carer Friendly is part of the charity TuVida

The Dell Primary School commits to continuing to raise awareness of young carers across all staff teams and pupils, and support young carers and their families in our school community.
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I commit to providing support to local carers in my working service role, encouraging and acknowledging the issues and needs of individual carers. As a carer myself I recognise the indispensable role they perform and commit to raising awareness of ...
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At Community Furniture Aid we continued to be aware of important role carers undertake every day. We will take every chance to promote this campaign that is close to our hearts
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At Community Furniture Aid we continued to be aware of important role carers undertake every day. We will take every chance to promote this campaign that is close to our hearts
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Undy Primary School commits to identifying and supporting young carers within our school. We will ensure all our staff are trained to ensure they understand the policies and procedures that can be put in place to support our Young Carers ...
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We recognise that caring is an important issue that affects our staff and children and that carers play a vital role within our communities. We commit to ensuring that all staff and volunteers are aware of carers, the issues they ...
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Help all carers identify themselves to us, value them and support them in their caring role.
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As part of my role as a Counsellor at CTSEW, I recognise and value the role unpaid carers play every single day within our society. I understand how exhausting and isolating the caring role can be, especially now, in these ...
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