Carer Friendly is part of the charity TuVida

Gwent Regional Partnership Team

We recognise and appreciate that carers of all ages make a vital contribution within society. We continue to respect and value carers views, their experiences and expertise and to involve carers in the planning and delivery of our services. We will work with staff across the partnership to help identify and support carers at the earliest opportunity. To help achieve this we support the Carer Friendly Scheme and will continue to encourage other teams and services to commit to becoming carer friendly in their workplaces.


I commit to helping carers believe in themselves and to support them in any way I can. Referring them on to relevant services to help them get the best support
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We recognise that caring is an important issue that affects our staff, volunteers and clients and that carers play a vital role within our communities. We commit to ensuring that all staff and volunteers are aware of carers, the issues ...
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We recognise and appreciate that carers of all ages make a vital contribution within society. We continue to respect and value carers views, their experiences and expertise and to involve carers in the planning and delivery of our services. We ...
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We commit to raising awareness amongst our staff, stakeholders and residents to ensure that people understand what an unpaid carer is, the issues they face and the vital role they play within our communities. We also commit to ensuring that ...
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The staff and governors of St Gwladys Primary School recognise the important role of Young Carers. We are happy to make a commitment to continue supporting our resilient, empathetic and resourceful young people who play a key role in our ...
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I commit to helping other professionals and organisations recognise and support unpaid carers in their communities; whether customers, staff, volunteers, service users. I commit to making communities more Carer Friendly!
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Really thinking about who in my team is a carer, sharing support and information with them. Offering flexible working, understanding, empathy, support, information, guidance etc on an individualised basis. I will promote policies and documents that support carer friendly conversations ...
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Torfaen County Borough Council recognises the importance of supporting staff who are balancing work with caring responsibilities and helping them deal with the challenges this can bring. We commit to raising awareness of the issues faced by staff who are ...
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Sefyll recognise that carers play a vital role within our communities, and that carers can be engaged in a careing role whilst simultaneously having to deal with their own mental ill health. Sefyll offers people who use mental health services ...
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Carers can be found in all walks of life and each is as important and valued as the next. We commit to always supporting carers, whatever the circumstance, but also to acknowledge and recognise the huge role they place in ...
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