Carer Friendly is part of the charity TuVida

Kirsty Gronow – Poppy Factory

Working with veterans, partners and family members who have unpaid caring responsibilities, I commit to continue supporting them by raising awareness of their rights and support available to them.
Offering support through our employment service can bring health and wellbeing benefits not just for those moving into new jobs, but for those who care for them too.


At Community Furniture Aid we continued to be aware of important role carers undertake every day. We will take every chance to promote this campaign that is close to our hearts
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I commit to – recognising and valuing the role of unpaid carers within my community. I commit to raising awareness of carers, their rights and the support available to them. I commit to supporting my community to be Carer Friendly and ...
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St Joseph’s RC High School, Newport, commits to the importance of raising awareness and vital support of our young carers and their families through a considered and researched ten-point plan of action. The intention is to deliver better outcomes, ...
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We commit to fully support the work of the Carer Friendly Team at Carers Trust South East Wales. We also commit to ensuring that we do everything we can to support colleagues who have a caring role.
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I commit to supporting people in my local community to become aware of what it means to be a carer and what support is available to them as part of their caring role.
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We, as a Practice, recognise the support and issues that our patients need in their caring role. We commit to ensuring that all staff highlight our Carers and are able to signpost them to the appropriate local services provided. We ...
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Diverse Cymru recognises that caring is an important issue that affects our staff, volunteers and clients and that carers play a vital role within our communities. We commit to ensuring that all staff and volunteers are aware of carers, the ...
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We commit to support the young carers at our school and support the families and staff that are in a carers role.
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I commit to continue working with carers to ensure their voices are heard, they have a life alongside caring and work with other professionals to develop initive services to support the ever changing needs of carers.
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The Dell Primary School commits to continuing to raise awareness of young carers across all staff teams and pupils, and support young carers and their families in our school community.
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