A charity in Bridgend are making carers ‘everyone’s business’
A charity in Bridgend County Borough have become the first organisation in their region to achieve the Carer Friendly Advanced accreditation.
Bridgend Carers Centre’s mission is ‘to make a positive difference to carers’ lives in Bridgend County Borough by providing information and support and to reduce isolation’.
The Centre provides a diverse programme of activities to enable carers to maintain their caring role, including trips, holistic therapies, social events, training, information events and opportunities. In addition the Centre also provides specialist welfare benefits advice, legal advice and person centred counselling for carers.

It is important now, more than ever, that we live in a society that works to become ‘carer friendly’ and to give carers the recognition they deserve. Carers look after family and friends through illness and disability, their role can be very stressful and demanding, often juggling work and education with caring for a loved one. It is therefore important that all organisations understand the impact of a caring role whether that’s as an employer, a college, a school, a hospital or GP surgery and offer support or signposting to them.
That’s why Bridgend Carers Centre has staff working in colleges, schools, hospitals and surgeries across the Borough to raise awareness and give timely support to carers and families to avoid carer strain. One person in four will become a carer at some time – carers are everyone’s business.
Dr Peter Evans is a Senior Partner at Porthcawl Group Practice. He works closely with the team:
“In Porthcawl we have a good working relationship with the team and have regular interaction. We direct patients to the team, and have displays and information available throughout the building. Bridgend Carers Centre is represented at appropriate primary care team meetings so that patient and carer needs can be discussed and the group provides an invaluable resource for carers. Their role is widely appreciated.
As more people are becoming isolated due to the pandemic, the need for support for carers is heightened, as many people feel that they have nowhere else to turn to. We all need to appreciate and value the support which this great group provides.”