Carer Friendly is part of the charity TuVida

We are excited to advertise two new leadership roles to transform how we work with unpaid carers and people with care and support needs to enjoy their life and achieve their goals.

The Director of Services will lead all of our services to unpaid carers and people with care and support needs.  It has an immediate focus on enhancing our respite, domiciliary care and day centre services, with the aim of agreeing a clear focus for growth.

Whilst we deliver a lot with relatively little, our current service model cannot currently meet demand and that challenge is only going to get bigger.  We want to transform what we do to increase the number of people we support and further enhance the difference we make to people’s lives.

Working as part of our senior leadership group, the successful candidate will have a key role to play in the development and delivery of our future vision and strategy, making sure we consistently achieve excellent standards in everything we do.

Please click this link to access the job description: Director of Services job description Person Specification – 3 November 2021

The application form is available here: CTSEW Application Form

The other role is for a Head of Communications, Transformation and Fundraising. This role will be responsible for engaging our users and our stakeholders, raising awareness and recognition of our organisation to support donations and fundraising; supporting the story we tell; and managing internal and external fundraising support.  It will also be responsible for supporting service transformation, working with our users to provide better services.

Please click this link to access the job description: Head of Communications, Transformation and Fundraising Job Description and Person Specification – 29 October 2021

The application form is available here: CTSEW Application Form

If you would like to discuss either role, please contact our chief Executive Kieran Harris. [email protected]