A small non-carer specific charity has taken a big leap by achieving the Carer Friendly accreditation.
The Disability Advice Project aims to “provide up to date, accurate, relevant and appropriate advice and information to disabled people, their family and carers.”
They provide independent specialist advice and offer:
– Help with completing forms
– Accurate and appropriate advice
– Assessment of your entitlement to services and benefits
– Help building any evidence you need
– Appeal support, accompanying you if required
– Signposting to other relevant support agencies
Review Panel comments: ‘Would like to applaud service on clear consideration given to Carers within their service delivery especially as they are not a Carer Specific service. Good variety of quality information and signposting provided’ and ‘Good to see staff undertook Carer specific training, and that Carers are included on meeting agendas’.

It is great to have recognition for our work with carers. We have always had helping carers at the top of our list but not declared it!
The process was very user friendly and the support from the Gwent Carer Friendly Officer was invaluable. It was not bureaucratic at all! One of the most straightforward and sensible accreditation processes we have been through.
More and more people are recognizing themselves as carers and are more on their own than ever. They tend not to ask for help especially as they do not know where to turn for help. If an organization has undertaken the accreditation and displays and promotes it then carers will know that it is ok to ask for help and that we will know where and what is available for them.