Carer Friendly is part of the charity TuVida

The Team at the Gwent Carers Hub have been awarded the Carer Friendly Advanced accreditation in recognition of the work that they undertake to support unpaid carers living across Gwent. The team do a fantastic job in supporting unpaid carers on a day to day basis but felt it was important to undertake the accreditation. This gave them the opportunity to reflect on the work that they have undertaken, how they interact with unpaid carers and to establish if there were any areas for future improvement. The Carer Friendly Accreditation Panel felt that the Gwent Hub offers a wide variety of types and methods of support for unpaid carers and has established a solid working relationship with many other services to benefit unpaid carers.  The panel also felt that the Hub team are working well to ensure that unpaid carers voices are being heard, providing opportunities for carers to consult on both external service provisions and the Hub service delivery.