Carer Friendly is part of the charity TuVida

Gwent Regional Partnership Team

We recognise and appreciate that carers of all ages make a vital contribution within society. We continue to respect and value carers views, their experiences and expertise and to involve carers in the planning and delivery of our services. We will work with staff across the partnership to help identify and support carers at the earliest opportunity. To help achieve this we support the Carer Friendly Scheme and will continue to encourage other teams and services to commit to becoming carer friendly in their workplaces.


We recognise that caring is an important issue that affects our staff, volunteers and clients and that carers play a vital role within our communities. We commit to ensuring that all staff and volunteers are aware of carers, the issues ...
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I commit as an “unpaid carer” to my husband to continue to care for his needs until my last breath….❤️ regardless of how worn out I am.
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Support carers of all ages Upskill and educate people about carers Support patients who are carers Support carers of our patients
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The All Wales Forum of Parents and Carers recognises the incredible value of unpaid carers in our society and represents the collective voice of families in Wales who care for people living with learning disability. We commit to always recognise ...
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I commit to recognising the value and role of unpaid carers within my community. I commit to raising awareness of carers rights, entitlements and support that is available to them. I commit to my community being Carer Friendly, spreading the ...
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We recognise that caring is an important issue that affects some of the young people at Cathays High School. We commit to ensuring that the carers within our school are appropriately identified and will receive support and mentoring in school. ...
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Help all carers identify themselves to us, value them and support them in their caring role.
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As an organisation Age Connects Torfaen recognise that carers play a vital role in our communities. Caring is an important issue that affects our staff, volunteers and clients. We commit to ensure all our staff and volunteers are aware of ...
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I commit to raising awareness of carers, their rights and the support available to them. I commit to ensuring that people in the Wales bowel cancer community are recognised, valued and supported.
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We commit to being carer friendly, and working as a collaborative group to constantly improve support to carers at a practical level. As the group contains representation from all five Gwent local authorities, Aneurin Bevan University Health Board and the ...
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