Carer Friendly is part of the charity TuVida

Mount Pleasant Practice

We commit to identifying those of our patients who are carers, and provide them with all the support they need to care for the family members or friends they look after.


I commit to identify who are young carers in our school. Since attending young carers training I understand who actually are young carers. I commit to ensuring that all staff are aware of our carers, the issues they may face ...
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Newport City Council recognise that unpaid carers play an important role within our communities. We commit to ensuring that carers are recognised, valued, listened to and supported within our services. We promote carer issues within our workforce so that staff ...
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The adult Specialist Eating Disorders Service (SEDS) in ABUHB recognises the important role that unpaid carers play. We are committed to raising awareness of carers, the challenges they face and ensuring they are aware of their rights and the support ...
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I commit to supporting people in my local community to become aware of what it means to be a carer and what support is available to them as part of their caring role.
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YMCA Cardiff in partnership with Cardiff Council Support4Families and Vale Council Families First, commit to promoting and raising awareness of young carers and young adult carers in Cardiff & The Vale. We commit to identifying, engaging, supporting & empowering ...
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The All Wales Forum of Parents and Carers recognises the incredible value of unpaid carers in our society and represents the collective voice of families in Wales who care for people living with learning disability. We commit to always recognise ...
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I commit to helping carers believe in themselves and to support them in any way I can. Referring them on to relevant services to help them get the best support
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The Dell Primary School commits to continuing to raise awareness of young carers across all staff teams and pupils, and support young carers and their families in our school community.
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I recognise and value the role of unpaid carers within my community. I commit to raising awareness of carers, their rights and the support available to them. I commit to supporting my community to be Carer Friendly and will actively ...
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Supporting Carers is a fundamental part of our service and as such we will always look to support carers both internally within our organisation and those who come to use our service. Carers are a standing agenda item at staff ...
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