Carer Friendly is part of the charity TuVida

Gwent Archives

At Gwent Archives we recognize the value of unpaid carers within our Team. We commit to making all of our Team aware of their rights, and support our Team’s needs


As an unpaid carer, I know how challenging caring for someone can be. I also know how rewarding it can be when you have the right support. Therefore, I commit to continue working to create Carer Friendly Communities. I also ...
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I am constantly surprised by the incredible work of unpaid carers, and the humility they display about their work. I firmly believe in Carer Friendly and would encourage everyone to support this brilliant initiative.
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Carers are hugely important to the community we work within and our beneficiaries. We at Impetus Dance Community Interest Company will respond to carers with respect of their vital and important role. As an organisation, we are aware that some ...
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Support carers of all ages Upskill and educate people about carers Support patients who are carers Support carers of our patients
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We, as a Practice, recognise the support and issues that our patients need in their caring role. We commit to ensuring that all staff highlight our Carers and are able to signpost them to the appropriate local services provided. We ...
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As an organisation Age Connects Torfaen recognise that carers play a vital role in our communities. Caring is an important issue that affects our staff, volunteers and clients. We commit to ensure all our staff and volunteers are aware of ...
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We commit to treating carers with understanding and trying our best to accommodating their responsibilities.
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We commit to working hard to ensure young carers are recognised and identified. We will make sure they are offered the support they deserve. We pledge to make sure they are recognised for the valuable contributions they make to their ...
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Supporting Carers is a fundamental part of our service and as such we will always look to support carers both internally within our organisation and those who come to use our service. Carers are a standing agenda item at staff ...
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I recognise and value the role of unpaid carers within my community. I commit to raising awareness of carers, their rights and the support available to them. I commit to supporting my community to be Carer Friendly and will encourage ...
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