Carer Friendly is part of the charity TuVida

Disability Advice Project

Supporting Carers is a fundamental part of our service and as such we will always look to support carers both internally within our organisation and those who come to use our service.
Carers are a standing agenda item at staff and whole team meetings to ensure that they are always at the forefront of our operations.
We will always look to identify carers and identify the issues they face both as carers and as individuals.
We will ensure that all staff and volunteers champion the carers and the invaluable service they provide to our society.
We will ensure that all staff and volunteers are able to provide good quality and, up to date information and support to carers.
We will consider carers when producing and implementing policies and procedures throughout our organisation.


Sefyll recognise that carers play a vital role within our communities, and that carers can be engaged in a careing role whilst simultaneously having to deal with their own mental ill health. Sefyll offers people who use mental health services ...
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We commit to supporting all carers that come through our service to the best of our ability. Ensuring we are up to date with local information and support available. We commit to ensuring that carers are valued, respected and listened ...
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• Actively work to ensure carers have access to quality information within our service • Ensure carers are identified, informed and listened to by all clinicians and reception teams • Empower carers to have a voice • Endeavour to create a culture of communication ...
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We recognise that caring is an important issue that affects our staff, volunteers and clients. Our staff know about the issues carers may face and the local support available to them. We will actively help people understand who carers are ...
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We commit to recognising that caring is an important issue that affects our staff, volunteers and members, and that carers play a vital role within our community. We commit to ensuring that all staff and volunteers are aware of carers, ...
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We commit to ensuring that all First Campus staff are aware of Young Carers and Young Adult Carers and the issues they face, in particular the impact that caring responsibilities can have on their education. We commit to providing inspirational ...
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We recognise and appreciate that carers of all ages make a vital contribution within society. We continue to respect and value carers views, their experiences and expertise and to involve carers in the planning and delivery of our services. We ...
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I fully recognised the role that unpaid carers have and I commit to fully support any carers to access the right support from the appropriate organisation. It’s tough right now, and carers deserve a full carer friendly community that ...
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We commit to support the young carers at our school and support the families and staff that are in a carers role.
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My name is Carol Taplin and  I am the Lead Chaplain in the Grange University Hospital. I pledge to, on request to provide pastoral, spiritual or religious support to any carer of any faith or none, or to signpost them ...
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