Carer Friendly is part of the charity TuVida

Kirsty Gronow – Poppy Factory

Working with veterans, partners and family members who have unpaid caring responsibilities, I commit to continue supporting them by raising awareness of their rights and support available to them.
Offering support through our employment service can bring health and wellbeing benefits not just for those moving into new jobs, but for those who care for them too.


Working within the health and social care sector for 17 years, you would have thought I’d seen it all by now… I haven’t and that’s because each carers life, situation and support needs are unique and different from ...
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I commit to raising awareness of carers, their rights and the support available to them. I commit to ensuring that people in the Wales bowel cancer community are recognised, valued and supported.
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We commit to creating carer friendly communities: where unpaid carers are recognised, supported and given the information that matters to them. – We will have a positive, meaningful and long lasting impact on our communities. – We will connect with and strengthen ...
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We commit to identifying those of our patients who are carers, and provide them with all the support they need to care for the family members or friends they look after.
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We commit to supporting all carers that come through our service to the best of our ability. Ensuring we are up to date with local information and support available. We commit to ensuring that carers are valued, respected and listened ...
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We commit to recognising that caring is an important issue that affects our staff, volunteers and members, and that carers play a vital role within our community. We commit to ensuring that all staff and volunteers are aware of carers, ...
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We commit to fully support the work of the Carer Friendly Team at Carers Trust South East Wales. We also commit to ensuring that we do everything we can to support colleagues who have a caring role.
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I am a unpaid carer all my life I have never asked for anything intill now I would like to meet people like myself I am a caring friendly smart funny outgoing lonley transgender women soon
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CM Community Care commits to ensuring that all Care Staff are treated with Compassion, Respect and Equality. CM pledge to be an Inclusive employer meeting the needs of a diverse group of employees whilst offering them the appropriate training to ...
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Torfaen County Borough Council recognises the importance of supporting staff who are balancing work with caring responsibilities and helping them deal with the challenges this can bring. We commit to raising awareness of the issues faced by staff who are ...
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