Carer Friendly is part of the charity TuVida

ABUHB School Nursing and Looked After Children`s Services

ABUHB School Nursing and Looked After Children`s Services are committed to identifying and supporting young carers in schools and community settings. We will ensure all our staff are trained to understand the challenges young carers face. We will have an awareness of the support available to signpost young carers.

Our school nursing service offer a `drop-in` service in schools to support all young people or young carers can contact us directly for support.

We are always ready to listen and are here for you!


Working with veterans, partners and family members who have unpaid caring responsibilities, I commit to continue supporting them by raising awareness of their rights and support available to them. Offering support through our employment service can bring health and wellbeing ...
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Henllys Community Council commits to promoting & supporting the work of the Carers Trust.
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I commit to raising awareness of carers. I recognise and value the role of unpaid carers. Through my work, with young carers and schools, I will continue to encourage more people to be Carer Friendly and recognise the incredible work ...
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Torfaen County Borough Council recognises the importance of supporting staff who are balancing work with caring responsibilities and helping them deal with the challenges this can bring. We commit to raising awareness of the issues faced by staff who are ...
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We recognise that caring is an important issue that affects our staff and clients and that carers play a vital role within our communities. We commit to ensuring that all staff are aware of carers, the issues they face and ...
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Really thinking about who in my team is a carer, sharing support and information with them. Offering flexible working, understanding, empathy, support, information, guidance etc on an individualised basis. I will promote policies and documents that support carer friendly conversations ...
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I commit to supporting people in my local community to become aware of what it means to be a carer and what support is available to them as part of their caring role.
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The staff and governors of St Gwladys Primary School recognise the important role of Young Carers. We are happy to make a commitment to continue supporting our resilient, empathetic and resourceful young people who play a key role in our ...
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We commit to treating carers with understanding and trying our best to accommodating their responsibilities.
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We commit to recognising that caring is an important issue that affects our staff, volunteers and members, and that carers play a vital role within our community. We commit to ensuring that all staff and volunteers are aware of carers, ...
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