Carer Friendly is part of the charity TuVida

Lisa Thomas

I commit to raising awareness of carers of all ages, I recognise the value that carers bring to the community and the selfless acts they provide on a day to day basis. My role within CTSEW has a focus on young carers and they are superheroes who regularly put themselves after the person they care for. I will actively encourage others to become Carer Friendly and recognise the amazing work that carers provide.


I am a unpaid carer all my life I have never asked for anything intill now I would like to meet people like myself I am a caring friendly smart funny outgoing lonley transgender women soon
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We recognise that caring is an important issue that affects our staff and clients and that carers play a vital role within our communities. We commit to ensuring that all staff are aware of carers, the issues they face and ...
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As part of my role as a Counsellor at CTSEW, I recognise and value the role unpaid carers play every single day within our society. I understand how exhausting and isolating the caring role can be, especially now, in these ...
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We commit to supporting all carers that come through our service to the best of our ability. Ensuring we are up to date with local information and support available. We commit to ensuring that carers are valued, respected and listened ...
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We commit to creating carer friendly communities: where unpaid carers are recognised, supported and given the information that matters to them. – We will have a positive, meaningful and long lasting impact on our communities. – We will connect with and strengthen ...
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I appreciate and value the role of unpaid carers being one myself and will raise awareness of this issue and also the rights, together with support available to help carers.
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As a GP Practice we recognise the importance of our carers, the roles they undertake and the issues they may face. We commit to continually improve that way our carers are identified, informed, listened to and supported within our Practice. ...
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We commit to recognising that caring is an important issue that affects our staff, volunteers and members, and that carers play a vital role within our community. We commit to ensuring that all staff and volunteers are aware of carers, ...
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We recognise that caring is an important issue that affects our staff, volunteers and clients and that carers play a vital role within our communities. We commit to ensuring that all staff and volunteers are aware of carers, the issues ...
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We commit to treating carers with understanding and trying our best to accommodating their responsibilities.
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