Carer Friendly is part of the charity TuVida

Memory Clinic South Monmouthshire

We are the Memory Assessment Service within ABUHB based in Chepstow. We commit to supporting and listening to carers. The role of unpaid carers is invaluable and as carers they are indispensable for the support and well-being of loved ones. We aim to raise awareness of the provisions carers are able to access and their entitlements. As well as enabling their commitment to loved ones.

We need to encourage and develop carer friendliness by raising awareness, promoting education and facilitating access to support for carers. We recognise that each caring role is unique to each carer and that every carer needs to be seen as an individual.

We work closely with carers and third party organisations on a daily basis and they contribute endlessly to society and local communities. The commitment and dedication they offer to the community as a whole is priceless.

A huge thank you to each and every carer out there!


All the staff at Coleg Gwent aim to both support and inspire all our young adult carers to ensure they will be empowered by high quality teaching to learn, achieve, and progress as rounded, confident individuals.
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I commit to highlighting carers, the vital roles that they undertake and ways in which they can be supported throughout our communities. Listening to carers from all areas of our communities to ensure that their voices are heard, their needs ...
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At Pentwyn CMHT, we recognise that caregiving is an essential responsibility that significantly impacts not only the carers themselves but also the individuals they care for, as well as our staff and the wider community. Carers—whether family members, friends, ...
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We commit to supporting the Carers to the best of our abilities. Their role is vital and we commit to ensuring that all staff and volunteers are aware of carers, the issues they face and the local support that is ...
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My name is Carol Taplin and  I am the Lead Chaplain in the Grange University Hospital. I pledge to, on request to provide pastoral, spiritual or religious support to any carer of any faith or none, or to signpost them ...
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We commit to support the young carers at our school and support the families and staff that are in a carers role.
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“We will listen to what matters to carers and what will make a difference, and we will support carers to engage in personal development opportunities if this is their wish. “ “We understand how important it is to ensure that everyone ...
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The ISCAN (Integrated Services for Children with Additional Needs) service recognises the valuable role that unpaid carers of all ages play in the local community. We commit to supporting staff who may be carers as well as making staff aware ...
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As an unpaid carer, I know how challenging caring for someone can be. I also know how rewarding it can be when you have the right support. Therefore, I commit to continue working to create Carer Friendly Communities. I also ...
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Newport City Council recognise that unpaid carers play an important role within our communities. We commit to ensuring that carers are recognised, valued, listened to and supported within our services. We promote carer issues within our workforce so that staff ...
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